Sausage and Zucchini Skillet
Many evenings our calendar is full to the brim. Especially during the school year. From sports, to music lessons and family or church activities. Plus, we have a full garden and often are harvesting and preserving into the evening hours.
Just because we are busy doesn't mean we don't have time for a healthy, hearty family meal. In fact, when we are busy it is more important than ever to sit down and eat together.
That's why this sausage and zucchini skillet is the perfect weeknight family meal. It is packed with protein and nourishing vegetables. And a huge plus is most of these can be pulled from the garden fresh or of the shelves in canned or freeze dried form.
When we can shuck fresh corn for meals like this, every one is excited to eat. There is nothing like fresh corn to go with any meal. But sometimes canned or frozen have to do the trick and that is why we take time to preserve our food.
Once the vegetables are warm, put sausage back into skillet and top with salt and pepper and cilantro. That's it! It is a super quick and fresh meal. You can easily double or triple for bigger crowds too.
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