Do you need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs?

If a rooster laid an egg on the top of a barn, which way would the egg roll? 

Well in a perfect world the egg would roll down whichever side made it so that the egg would not crack on impact with the ground. However, we do not live in a perfect world and as such roosters do not lay eggs.

do you need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs

So, do you need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs? Yes, and no.

Do you need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs? Yes!

The simple fact of life is that roosters are very important to egg production. Without the rooster, life for the chicken species cannot carry on after the hen gives up the ghost and they would cease to exist. Where then would you get your eggs? 

Do I really need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs?  The answer is yes and no.  Let us explain why.

So to keep the eggs rolling on for generations to come, yes, you do need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs.

On our homestead we currently have three roosters. One from each of the breeds that we currently keep. 

Each year, depending on our need for a certain breed, we will separate our hens and put them in with the corresponding rooster. After a week or so of being together we will start to put their eggs aside until we have collected enough to place in our incubator. 

Twenty-one days later we are able to replenish our flock.  

We have several breeds of chickens because some chickens are best egg layers and others are great broody hens.

what is a roosters job

Aside from the fact that roosters are key to replenishing your flocks, roosters are also beneficial in otherways. 

Just like any male should be, roosters are very protective of their hens. Here on our small farm, it is not unusual to see a fox, coyote, or other predator ( ie. the neighbor’s cat), lurking around the yard looking for an easy meal of an unsuspecting hen. This is where a rooster can come in handy. 

If you watch closely, as your hens are out and about grazing, you will notice that your rooster is constantly keeping an eye out for anything that may be trying to grab a bite to eat. 

Our roosters have been very successful in protecting our flock from may attacks. Hens want to feel protected. If they feel safe, they will also feel that they are safe to lay their eggs.

how do chickens lay eggs without a rooster

Do you need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs? No!

While I have given you a few good reasons on why you do need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs, at the end of the day, a hen will still lay an egg without having a rooster around. This is one of the main reasons homesteaders that live in tighter spaces are able to have chickens. 

In many urban areas, having a rooster may be prohibited by law due to the noise that a healthy active rooster will make.

Be prepared to purchase new hens to replace you aging flock. They can sit on their eggs all they want but at the end of the day you just be left with a warm egg.

In order to have the best possible egg production without having a rooster around, there are few things that you must do. 

do you need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs

#1 - Provide protection for chickens
Just like the rooster provides protection from predators, you will also need to provide the proper protection for your chickens. This may be as easy as a fully fenced yard to something more elaborate like a full on coop with a run.

Whatever you choose your chickens will need to feel safe in their surroundings. How a chicken feels has a major impact on egg production.

#2 - Provide proper nutrition for chickens
Proper food and nutrition are also key. I would highly recommend looking for a local feed supplier in your area if possible.

Typically you will find that the feed that they produce is usually locally sourced and much fresher as compared to the feed that you will find in a chain type stores.

In addition to the freshness there may also be more variety and less fillers like the clays that are added to the pellet type feed. That equals more bang for your and less poop to clean out later.

Not sure how many eggs your family might need? We have a simple formula to help you decide how many chickens you need.

So, do you need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs?

Ultimately, you choose whether or not you need or want a rooster. It really depends on what your long term goals are for your flock and homestead. Hopefully you were able to gain some valuable facts to help make an informed decision. As always, please check local city and neighborhood ordinances.  

Free Chicken Breed Guide

Do I really need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs?  The answer is yes and no.  Let us explain why.

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